Chiara Secchi was born in 1997 in Cagliari, Italy. Lives and works between Cagliari, Venice and Barcelona. The media she uses include oil painting and pencil on paper.
In my paintings I find my best artistic expression through the representation of the nakedness of the female body. Showing oneself is like giving oneself physically to the other, through a complicity built on mutual sincerity. In my works the subject is not spied on, he is aware of being portrayed, observed in his forms. My presence becomes invisible, almost hidden, managing to steal intimate moments of the other who conducts his movements as if no individual were present. As the French photographer Antoine D'Agata said, it is in sexual intimacy that we discover a certain part of all human beings.
Nudity can be seen and looked at from many points of view. My works have the purpose of crossing the limits of confidentiality, as if we were in front of the work "Étant donnés" 1946-1966 by Marcel Duchamp, observing through the keyhole a reality that is blocked by a large door which however makes us free observers of a naked and intimate serenity, as if to stimulate ideas, thoughts and impulses.
The fundamental aspect that characterized my entire artistic career was to try to bring out the "details" of the body, preferring oil painting and pencil on paper. These techniques allow me to reach my goal in the best way possible. : If in fact the nude sometimes manages to make a sensation in painting, it can also turn into extreme charm especially in front of an incredibly "real and true" body.
Training and Education
May 2022
GRISART, Escuela International Barcelona
Mal de archivio - with Natasha Christia
January 2022 - July 2022
Barcelona Academy of Art, Barcelona, Spain
Drawing (courses of pictorial itinerary)
2016/2017 - 2020/2021
Academy of fine arts in Venice, IT
Second level Academic Diploma in Disciplines and Performing Arts: Painting
Specialization (comparable to a master's degree)
° In the 2019 edition of the book “Il giardino dei gesti”/ “GARDEN OF THE GESTURES” containing the introductory text of Mauro Zocchetta, engravings made and printed by hand by the students of the courses of Techniques of Engraving-Graphics of Art, with the engraving made personally by the title “Taràssaco” held by: Diana Ferrara, Paolo Fraternali, Elena Molena, Andrea serafini, Giovanni Turria. Conceived and set up within the course of Art Publications held by Gianluigi Bellucci, at the School of Graphics of the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice.
° June 2019, is published the catalogue “L’Arte delle Scienze Marine”/ “The Art of Marine Sciences”. The oceans portrayed by scientists and artists with the work of art personally realized “Pălăgus”. Catalogue curated by Francesco Marcello Falcieri, Alice fasano, Gabriella Travigli, promoted by CNR ISMAR VENEZIA and DVRI- Venetian District of Research and Innovation, Academy of Fine Arts in Venice in collaboration with Science Gallery Venice.
° In 2015 the third edition of the illustrated book "L'isola delle favole - Storie di fuoco"/"The island of fairy tales - Stories of fire" is published. Inside the fairy tale "Terrore in sughereto” /"Terror in Sughereto” with illustrations made personally. The project is promoted by the Le Vele Shopping Centre with the support of Klepierre and with the sponsorship of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, the town of Quartucciu and the municipality of Cagliari, graphics by Proxima S.p.A. – Modena.
Artistic experience
° 22 June 2019 At the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice for “The Art Night 2019” event titled: “Everything is possible between art and dream”.
Participation in the collective painting exhibition Atelier
Project title: Nerve – Storm
Collaboration: départ pour l’image
Edition+Domenico de Chirico
(curator)+ Zuecca Art Project
Participation in the collective exhibition of art graphics Atelier 5
Project title: “Nessuno è troppo piccolo per fare la differenza” / “Nobody is too small to make a difference” by Greta Thumberg.
Project curated by: Diana Ferrara and Cristiano Vettore.
° Winner of the "Call 4 artist" on the occasion of the “World oceans day” promoted by CNR ISMAR VENICE and DVRI- Venetian District of Research and Innovation, Academy of fine arts of Venice in collaboration with Science Gallery Venice,Italy. The exhibition took place at ISMAR Institute of Marine Sciences in the area the 8th of June.
Arsenale Nord in the city of Venice, Italy.
° The 23th of June 2018 At the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice on the occasion of the Art Night 2018 ( l'Art Night is coordinated by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with the City of Venice) entitled: “Viaggio nell’immaginario” / “Journey in the imagination” participation in the collective exhibition pictorial atelier 16.